Calvin Waid, Soldier of the Revolution
The history of the Blount County, AL Waid
family in the late 18th and early 19th Centuries raises many questions about lineage due to sparse documentation and ambiguity.
Judge L.P.Waid's History of the Waid Family is a great resource, but some of his information regarding the old generations
conflicts with some limited documentation available on the subject. Specifically, questions abound on Calvin and Hampton
Waid, and their lineage and relationships. To date, a definitive source as to "who" L.P.Waid's "Hampton
Waid" really is and where exactly he fits has not been observed (by this author). Some believe that he is the "Hampton
Wade", b. abt. 1757, in Halifax, VA, and who served in the 10th and 14th Virginia Regiments of the Revolution.
But, information more easily available now simply doesn't support this hypothesis from seen documents, to date. Any
clear linkage in this regard or other information is welcomed.
However, we do have access to Calvin Waid's final Revolutionary
War pension payment. In this documentation, he clearly states that his attorney in fact is "Isaac Hampton Waid",
his "grandson". Calvin is credited with having a son named Hampton b. abt. 1821. But, no individual
named "Isaac Hampton Waid", who could be a grandson, has been observed. IHW b. 1813 is considered to be the son
of Abraham Waid, b. abt. 1788 or 1786, depending on whether one back dates from the 1850 or 1870 census records. The
1830 census record shows a son who could have been born in 1813 for Abraham Waid. No such son exists in the household
for Calvin Waid, in the 1830 census. Only one "Isaac Hampton Waid" has been observed, and that is the IHW
b. 1813. "Other" Hampton Waid/Wades are observed here and there, but none documented with a first name
of Isaac.
So, for argumentative purposes and based on the pension documents, this record takes the position that Calvin
Waid would have been the father of Abraham Waid. And, that Isaac Hampton Waid b. 1813 is Abraham Waid's son. Key
to this argument is his placement as a son in Abrahams's 1830 census record who could have been born in 1813 (this is also
supported by the 1820 Lincoln County, Tenn census record, for "Abraham Wade"), and by the simple belief by many
that IHW was, in fact, a son of Abraham Waid b. 1786/88. Based on the pension documents, the Alabama Chapter of the Son's
of the American Revolution has accepted the Calvin/Abraham/Isaac Hampton Waid lineage.
If any reader of this site had clarifying
or conflicting information available, please feel free to contact us via the email link on Page 1.
Information regarding Calvin
Waid's RW service was submitted by him at the time of his application for pension. Some of the information provided
in that application is:
"Birth: May 8, 1761 in Elizabethrown, New Jersey".
veteran alleged that he enlisted on August 10, 1776, served at various times to December 1780, 11 months and 8 days in all, in the New Jersey Troops as Private and Sergeant under Captains Gaston, David Thompson,
Obadiah Waid, and Daniel Cook and Colonels Martin, Munson, Spencer, Hays, Ford and Hinds and was in the Battles of Princeton,
Kingston, Springfield and Flatbush; he enlisted in March 1781 and served at various times to May, 1783, 8 months in
all, as Private in the Pennsylvania Troops under Captains Miller and Roseman and Colonels Brodhead, Williamson and Crawford
and was in the Battle of Sandusky."
"In 1776 he resided in Morris County,
New Jersey. In 1781 he lived in Fort Pitt, Pennsylvania. After the Revolutionary War he resided in North Carolina,
South Carolina, Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee. In 1834 he lived in Jones Valley, Blount County, Alabama and
had resided in that county 15 years."
"Pension: Calvin Waid was allowed
pension on Certificate No 26 466 which was issued July 10, 1834, rate $53.33 per annum, act of June 7, 1832, Alabama Agency."
records of The Comptroller General, General Accounting Office, Washington, D.C. In the case of
Calvin Waid, a pensioner of the Revolutinoary War, Certificate No. 26466, Alabama Agency, the last payment of pension covering
the period from September 4, 1839 to March 4, 1840, was made on March 9, 1840, at Huntsville, Alabama, to Isaac H. Waid, as
attorney for the pensioner. On March 9, 1840, the penshioner certified that he had lived in Blount County, Alabama,
for twenty-three years past, and that previous to that he lived in Tennessee."